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Kat and Kit were born to a humble farmer and his wife, and became older siblings to a second pair of twins. It was from their father they learned of the the city of treasures, El-Dara, from his book. One day shattered their lives - When their father was harvesting and took a break to picnic with his family a twister was fast approaching. Kit and Kat's mother and their little brother and sister made it to the shelter but a large tree barred Kit, Kat, and their father. He got them over and told them to keep running and not look back. They made it in time to watch as the twister swept their father away to his death.Wilykat[1] is the male of the Wileys. His sister is WilyKit.

Without her husband to do the harvest, Kit and Kat's mother had to do it herself, and could barely prepare enough food for all four of her hungry children, and not enough for herself. Kat soon convinced Kit they should leave and find the lost city of El-Dara so their mother could feed their little brother and sister.

They ran away to Thundera, hoping to find information of their goal. Instead, they found only deaf ears to their pleas for spare change and food. They bumped into a man who dropped his coinpurse, and considered stealing it but decided to return it. However, when they tried to, the man immediately accused them of being thieves, forcing them to run and hide. Desperate, they eventually decided they'd have to do whatever it takes, and began stealing to survive.

Wilykat uses his words to distract while Wilykit uses her musicial instrument to hypnotize them. Wilykat then steals food and money from people. Both he and his sister dream of someday saving up enough money to go and find a map that will lead them to the lost city of gold and riches, El-Dara, where he said "cats will be begging us for money."


Wilykit is the female of the Wily's. Her twin brother isWilyKat. Kit and Kat were born to a humble farmer and his wife, and became older siblings to a second pair of twins. It was from their father they learned of the the city of treasures, El-Dara, from his book. One day shattered their lives - When their father was harvesting and took a break to picnic with his family, a twister was fast approaching. Kit and Kat's mother and their little brother and sister made it to the shelter, but a large tree barred Kit, Kat, and their father. He got them over and told them to keep running and not look back. They made it in time to watch as the twister swept their father away to his death.

Without her husband to do the harvest, Kit and Kat's mother had to do it herself, and could barely prepare enough food for all four of her hungry children, and not enough for herself. Kat soon convinced Kit they should leave and find the lost city of El-Dara so their mother could feed their little brother and sister and herself.

They ran away to Thundera, hoping to find information of their goal. Instead, they found only deaf ears to their pleas for spare change and food. They bumped into a man who dropped his coinpurse, and Kat considered stealing it but Kit convinced him to return it. However, when they tried to, the man immediately accused them of being thieves, forcing them to run and hide. Desperate, they eventually decided they'd have to do whatever it takes, and began stealing to survive.

WilyKit possesed the power to hypnotize many beings with her flute. She would usually play the lullaby their mother used to play to them. Wilykit can be heard playing this song on many occasions.

Wilykit and her brother often wandered the streets, using her flute to distract and hypnotize civilians while Wilykat steals food and money from them. Upon the destruction of Thundera, she and her brother teamed up with Lion-O, Tygra and Cheetara claiming that they're not following them, the three just happen to be walking in front of them.

When Thundercats found themselves at the mysterious Elephant village, Wilykit and the elephant Aburn find common ground, and through the lullaby her mother sang to her when they were young, WilyKit discovered her flute can do more than just play music. After Lion-O defeats the wraiths, an even greater threat, a Stone Giantstarts attacking the village. Wilykit and the Elephants defeat the stone giant with their musical harmony.


  • Much like in the Original, Kat has no powers, as of yet. However, he and his sister are skillful pickpockets, using music to decrease their target's guard.
  • Kit and Kat also seem to be skilled at picking locks.
  • Like Kit, Kat is skilled with musical instruments. He can play strings that he holds down by as hit foot and raises above his head as if it were a guitar. He can play the same song that WilyKit is shown playing in many episodes, which is actually a lullaby that the Wily's mother used to hum to them before they ran away
  • In The Forest Of Magi Oar, WilyKat was shown to make use of his string to bind one of the Wood Forgers with unseen skill. Whether or not it was some kind of trick or a supernatural ability is unknown.
  • WilyKat's weapon is a retractable reel of string or wire attached to a ring with three claw-shaped ornaments.


  • Kit and Kat used the "Innocent Kitten" look in an attempt to join the three older Cats. ==Weapon(s)Edit==

Though not technically a weapon, WilyKit possesses a circular, flute-like instrument that seems to enthrall the listener, holding them in a dazed state.

As shown in the episode Sight Beyond Sight, the flute is able to shatter rocks when it reaches a note that is in perfect harmony with the Elephant's music. This power was strong enough to shatter boulders and even a rock giant.

The song that she plays on the flute in many episodes is actually a lullaby that Wilykat and Kit's mother used to hum to them.

Powers & AbilitiesEdit[]

Like her brother, WilyKit has not demonstrated special abilities and it is unlikely that she will as she didn't have any in the original series. However, it is worth noting that both twins have shown impressive resourcefulness when faced with difficult situations.

Still, her flute may be magical, seen when it put a man she and her brother robbed into a dazed, if not hypnotic, state as he listened to its melody and in episode 9 they used candy fruit to make a giant fall.
